I am Malaysian and have a Rollex English account in Malaysia, but when I am overseas, I cannot play the game. Is the game available only for some regions of the world? What can I do to play it overseas?
Answer by
Leonard Moore
There is no information regarding the availability of the game in specific regions of the world, because the official website of the developer is down. However, you can try to use a proxy server to test for yourself if the game can't be played in your currently location or the server isn't available because the game was discontinued. To find a Malaysian proxy server, you can use Google. After you copied the IP address of the server and the available port, open Internet Explorer on your computer, go to Options > Internet Properties > Connection tab > LAN settings > check Use a proxy sever for your LAN and paste the IP address and the port in the available spaces. After you did this, press OK and try to start the game. If you still can't access it, the server might be down or the game discontinued.
I am Malaysian and have a Rollex English account in Malaysia, but when I am overseas, I cannot play the game. Is the game available only for some regions of the world? What can I do to play it overseas?
There is no information regarding the availability of the game in specific regions of the world, because the official website of the developer is down. However, you can try to use a proxy server to test for yourself if the game can't be played in your currently location or the server isn't available because the game was discontinued. To find a Malaysian proxy server, you can use Google. After you copied the IP address of the server and the available port, open Internet Explorer on your computer, go to Options > Internet Properties > Connection tab > LAN settings > check Use a proxy sever for your LAN and paste the IP address and the port in the available spaces. After you did this, press OK and try to start the game. If you still can't access it, the server might be down or the game discontinued.